We understand that running a business is tough and creating one from scratch is even harder,which is why we have posted a few simple marketing tips to help your business along the way! 1. Review your marketing strategy – Reviewing your strategy on a quarterly basis will ensure you stay on track and identify any

There are so many fantastic adverts that pull on our heart strings and really do make a great impact, so we have decided to celebrate some of, what we think, are the best, creative, funniest or downright strange adverts out there! Each week we will add a new advert to our website and our Facebook page. If

“Marketing isn’t everything but everything is marketing” – Paul Schrage (Former CMO – McDonalds) You may have noticed this quote on our website and we happen to agree with it a lot. Marketing can be present even without you noticing, ever wondered why Ikea have a children’s play centre at the front of the store

At Bare Bones Marketing we happily agreed to design tickets, posters and programmes for St Luke’s Hospice Bollywood Night for free! You can see the finished articles here. We also achieved some PR in local newspapers, The Crewe Chronicle and The Guardian which you can see below!

Your logo, along with your brand is one of the first impressions of your business. But if you saw your own logo would you buy from yourself? Maybe your logo needs to be brighter, bolder or perhaps you just don’t know what it needs. Some small businesses may have a vague idea of something
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