And just so we’re clear, we mean “guerilla” not “gorilla”!
Are you a small to medium sized business that wants to make an impact but are too afraid to do so? Well don’t be! Guerilla marketing could be a great technique to help you create full exposure quickly and efficiently, and with our help, you can get to the bare bones of this method without any hassle!
Lets start with a simple definition of guerilla marketing. Guerilla marketing is a low cost advertising method which uses unusual, funny or surprising techniques to promote a businesses product or service and grab customers’ attention. Here’s how you can use this method to its full potential.
1. Be visible – The bigger you can make your brand message, the more likely it will stay in customers’ minds. So, what are you waiting for? Get your thinking caps on and make it happen before your competitors do!
2. Be creative – Creativity is at the heart of every successful guerilla marketing campaign. So, if you enjoy having fun and enjoy being creative, then it’s about time you get your creative juices flowing and think of some eye grabbing guerrilla marketing ideas for your business!
3. Use social media – Grab your audience’s attention through eye catching ideas posted on social media networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in. Social media channels are powerful tools that will help you grab your audience’s attention in an effective and hassle free way. If you haven’t yet boarded the bandwagon, then its about time to do so!
4. Spread the word! – Use social networking platforms to spread the word and if the campaign is well planned and effective campaign, the audience will share the campaign on their social networking channels for you. Don’t forget to ask for “retweets” and “shares”.
We hope these top four guerrilla marketing tips are useful; however, if you feel you need further assistance with adopting this strategy, then get in touch!