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Anyone with a design software can create a advert. But will the ad be effective? What impact will it have? What does it say about your brand? What’s the hook for your target market to be interested?  What results do you hope to achieve?

A good concept is absolutely essential to making your company stand out from the crowd, convey your key messages and create a point of differentiation from your competition.

What is a good concept? 

To create effective advertising, a concept needs to be engaging, memorable and campaignable. This is means at least three adverts with an overarching concept that will work across multiple mediums and touchpoints. The adverts should work through-the-line in print adverts, radio commercials, film usage on either social media or TV, (if budget permits!) and outdoor media, as well as direct mail, sales collateral and email marketing. Don’t forget your internal communication if your campaign is for a new product launch or promotion – the concept should work to engage your employees and get their buy-in as well.

Stick to a single-minded proposition

All brands have multiple messages. The key is to not overload your target market with too much information at once. You can’t expect to convey everything about your brand in one single advert. That’s why you need a campaign with an overarching concept. Stagger your key messages and convey them over a defined duration. One advert should focus on one key message for example ‘Next day delivery’, ‘Improved recipe’, ‘New’, or ‘Reduced price’.

The science behind an advert

Advertising is not just an art, it’s also a science. It’s not a coincidence that great adverts are remembered. It’s the juxtaposition of an emotional pull with the rational decision-making process to appeal to both sides of the brain, which creates effective advertising. There are key elements to all great adverts: An engaging headline, a thought-provoking visual and a strong call-to-action. The headline and visual should pull the individual into the body http://laparkan.com/buy-vardenafil/ copy, which needs to relate to the headline and visual as well as communicate what you are selling. The body copy leads to the call-to-action. Then reveal the brand…


Nowadays this is usually a directive to a website. Whatever your call-to-action, make it clear and easy for people to find. Don’t be shy! Be accessible to your existing and potential customers if you want to increase your sales. If you sell through a third-party, let your target audience know who they are!

Advertising isn’t as complicated as going to the International Space Station or landing a remote rocket back down on earth safely again, but there is a formula to follow, which has been proven to work. Without a concept and following these steps, your advertising and marketing budget won’t work effectively for you.

Take a look at some examples of advertising created by Bare Bones Marketing.

Creative Concept: 

We created an overarching concept for a multi-tiered campaign so as to reach and engage target audiences through various touchpoints. We aimed to create a unique point of differentiation to help our client stand out from competitors, and to disrupt market trends. The campaign was relevant and current by using the space concept in the wake of Major Tim Peake’s achievement in STEM.

The creative concept “STEMs from”:

  • Is a clever usage and play on the acronym ‘STEM’
  • Places STEM in the centre of the ad to clearly create a point of differentiation from other schools
  • Is campaignable and has longevity
  • Uses both an emotional and a rational pull to prompt action in the decision making process
  • Is motivating and positive
  • Has a thought-provoking headline
  • With an attractive, visual appealing image
  • And engaging body copy
  • Defined, strong call-to-action
  • Clear and easily identifiable branding

Crewe Guardian Half Page Advert 1


Crewe Guardian Half Page Advert 2

The creatives designed by Bare Bones Marketing as part of an advertising campaign

Written by Emma Bowman.

Emma has over 20 years advertising experience and worked on multi-tiered campaigns for Unilever, SONY, Pirelli, FedEx and many other global brands.

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