Our last post asked “Are your customers talking about you?”
Well, we thought that we should practice what we preach. You see, our customers are talking about us (and its all good thankfully ;))
Here’s our latest customer recommendation for some public speaking that we did to one of the North West’s top ranked schools.
“Emma was a complete success at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School. Emma provided an interactive presentation at an event ‘Thinking about your Future’ on the 1st June to Lower Sixth Girls. Her brief was to discuss ‘How to brand you.’ She made the presentation fun and most importantly she made students think by asking the year group to discuss, ‘What is a brand?’ ‘What brands do we know?’ ‘What people are brands?’ ….. she posed the questions to each student ‘What three words represent you?’ What impression do you want to give potential employers in the future? She explored the concept of social media and how this can be used to network, find employment in the future but most importantly how to use this to your advantage as well as discussing the dangers! Excellent! I hope we can book her again for next year!” – Susan Burke, Head of Careers, Merchant Taylors’ School, June 25, 2012