Are you thinking about starting up a business this year? Are you a little bit scared of marketing and don’t know where to start?
As the winner for the “Best Start-Up Business” in South Cheshire in 2012, we understand that marketing your new start-up business in today’s economy is difficult, but there are steps you can take to ensure your start-up business grabs the audience’s attention and stands out from the crowd. Here’s a few tips to help you get started.
1. Identify your potential customers – When you first start marketing your business, it is easy to get carried away and want to please everyone at the same time. Try to focus on a specific target audience, which will hep you achieve your short term goals. Staying focused on a particular segment will help you to reach and please your target audience more effectively!
2. What is your brand? What is your brand called? What is your brand logo? How do you want to appear in the eyes of your audience? Branding is all about creating an emotional connection with your audience and by pulling on your audience’s heart strings, they’re more likely to promote your business for you!
3. What are your brand values? What does your brand stand for? By consistently communicating your brand values, consumers will know who you are, which has a big impact on your business’s success or failure!
4. Develop a marketing plan – Your buy cheap diazepam thailand marketing plan will map out the direction you want to go with your business, the aims and objectives you want to achieve and the marketing activities you want to use to communicate with your audience. It will also help you monitor your successes and your areas for improvement.
5. Leverage social media – Depending on your business and the kind of customers you are targeting, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn are effective communication tools to help build awareness and your customer profile! Social media is a great way to add value to your brand through customer engagement and involvement through customer feedback.
6. Consider a website presence – Launching a website for your new business is an effective way to establish your credibility and strengthen your brand. If your business does not have a web presence, potential customers are going to think you don’t take your business seriously, and therefore they won’t either! An online presence all adds to your credibility and gives you a way of updating your news and information quickly.
7. Consider business awards – Whether you’ve launched a new service or product, achieving brand recognition through business awards will increase your brand’s awareness and credibility.
So there you have it, a few tips and tricks to think about to help you market your new business. If you need any help with marketing your new start-up business, contact the Bare Bones Marketing team.