There are so many fantastic adverts that pull on our heart strings and really do make a great impact, so we have decided to celebrate some of, what we think, are the best, creative, funniest or downright strange adverts out there! Each week we will add a new advert to our website and our Facebook page. If

There are so many fantastic adverts that pull on our heart strings and really do make a great impact, so we have decided to celebrate some of, what we think, are the best, creative, funniest or downright strange adverts out there! Each week we will add a new advert to our website and our Facebook page. If

There are so many fantastic adverts that pull on our heart strings and really do make a great impact, so we have decided to celebrate some of, what we think, are the best, creative, funniest or downright strange adverts out there! Each week we will add a new advert to our website and our Facebook page.

There are so many fantastic adverts that pull on our heart strings and really do make a great impact, so we have decided to celebrate some of, what we think, are the best, creative, funniest or downright strange adverts out there! Each week we will add a new advert to our website and our Facebook page. If

There are so many fantastic adverts that pull on our heart strings and really do make a great impact, so we have decided to celebrate some of, what we think, are the best, creative, funniest or downright strange adverts out there! Each week we will add a new advert to our website and our Facebook page. If
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