Bare Bones Marketing has been networking… Who put the “work” into “networking”? Whoever it was, knew what they were talking about! As a new business, I’ve discovered the real world of networking. And by “the real world” I don’t mean corporate networking, which is what I’m used to. In the corporate world, unless you’re in
Bare Bones Marketing has just won a new client! We’re really excited and looking forward to working with them. Watch this space….
Listen again to Bare Bones Marketing on Flying Start. You can listen again to Emma Dalzell on RedShift Radio’s Flying Start programme. And don’t forget the next instalment this Thursday at 2pm
Bare Bones made their debut on Redshift Radio yesterday on the Flying Start programme, and Emma loved it! Some great music, and great advice on starting up a new business. If you missed out, watch out for the “listen again” link coming soon. Oh, and she’ll be back on next week, same time, same place.
The Bare Bones website is now live…We’re thrilled with our new site, but we can always improve it, so if you have any comments, please let us know. And of course we hope our new site shows you not only who we are and what we’re about, but also what we can do! After all,
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