You may ask yourself, why buy a blog? Many businesses of all sizes, think they can manage this internally, but in reality, keeping up momentum is hard. Blogs are one of the first ‘to do’s’ that slip down the list and before you know it, it’s been six months since your company’s last post.
Why do businesses need to blog?
Blogs essentially drive traffic to your website creating opportunities to convert visitors to sales. How you convert may vary, but ultimately, blogs are seen as a marketing tool used for lead gen. Blogs add value to your website by making it more visible on search engines. The more pages your website has, the easier the search engine ‘bots’ can find your website and increase your ranking. Basically, blogs add pages to your website to widen your reach on search engines, which increases your SEO over time.
However, you don’t want any topic on your website because you have to take UX into experience. Blogs are not lengthy feature articles, and are offer a simple, cost-effective way to generate relevant content in about 300 – 400 words to your target market. Furthermore, blogs can be published on other social media platforms and with a short code, which will directly drive potential clients back to your website. Linked In is very effective for this. Blogs should create intrigued but also position YOU as an expert in your field and someone with through knowledge and current market trends.
That’s why you buy-a-blog.
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